Thursday, April 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by
If you're a regular reader, you've probably noticed a lack of recent posting.

Easy to explain: I have been slacking when it comes to Roadspill.

I've been in Winnipeg for a spell, and have been run off my feet visiting family and friends. I was also working. Which is why I am here in the first place.

It's been a good visit - and the first one in 2 years. That will certainly change in the future. It's too much fun here.

Sure, it's the grimy time of year as winter gives way to spring. But it's been great visiting old haunts, finding new ones, and hanging out with old pals.

I return to Vancouver today (Thur), but I won't be there for long. I head to Europe on May 4.

In the interim, I'll be working on the podcast, taxes, and hopefully getting some exercise.

I've also decided to start a goofy new journal: the adventures of Hula Girl.

I was introduced to Hula Girl by friends who had HG on the dash of their car. I was struck by her curiosity and adventurous spirit. And decided I needed my own Hula Girl.

So off to Canadian Tire I went, and now, I have a HG to call my own.

More on this soon.


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