Tuesday, July 17, 2007

from the "change in planes" dept.

Seems the good Government of Ghana has revoked Lufthansa's daily landing rights in Accra. This caught Lufthansa and hundreds (thousands?) of customers by surprise.

The GofG has offered the airline 2 landings a week. Lufthansa says that's not enough to be profitable and suspended all operations.

Jesper was due to fly back today (Tuesday) to Copenhagen on Lufthansa. Luckily we heard about the problems yesterday and called Lufthansa's office this morning. We were told to come down immediately.

The office was surprisingly calm and within an hour Jesper was rebooked on an afternoon KLM flight. He arrives home 2 hours later than originally scheduled.

I asked about my ticket -- booked to Vancouver on Oct 1. They said wait to see how the situation pans out. Fine. My worry is that I want to change my ticket to Dec 15th and now may not be able to. We'll see.

I'm heading to the airport soon to drop of Jesper and to meet the new Takoradi JHR guy - Kevin Hill. He'll remain in Accra for a week of training and then bus it to his new home, which happens to be at my house.

On a seperate note, here's an interesting Globe and Mail Story about pot use in Canada (including a mention of Ghana).... click here!

The fun continues!


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