Friday, September 24, 2004


It's been a while since I've posted. Lots of reasons - the end result, no time.

I took a couple of days off and went in search of clarity. And I believe I have found it.

The current equation:

high rent + unhappy + debt reduction doesn't equal travel.
low rent + happy + debt reduction = travel!
So I am moving. Finally.

Either October 1... which will be a (doable) challenge or Nov 1.

I would almost rather moving next week - just to get it out of the way. I've found a couple of potential places that are reasonable (half) rent - although they are shared.

Both are back in Vancouver. And one is near the old place on Commercial Drive. But away from the bongos. I miss the lesbians, addicts, and general riff raff. I am *so* not a yoga wear, rich folks neighbourhood kind of guy.

I've found some reasonably priced off-sire storage too. And, I've found someone to take the big stuff so I don't need scads of storage.

All good.

There is more too, but I have to go get some boxes before rush hour starts...

More soon!

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