Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lazy Sunday

July 19, 2015
Kinvara, Ireland

As the title suggests, it was a lazy Sunday.

I had a fitful sleep thanks to the never ending drip, drip, drip of my nose. Plus sneezing and coughing and a general malaise.

I spent the early part of the day puttering. Unpacking stuff and moving it around. I caught up on emails and blogs and posting photos. I did a little bit of work (if I do two more items then I have no deadlines until early August). I attacked a pile of dishes and created a new one.

It was a nice day so in the afternoon I went to the back of the property to pick berries with the cat.

Picking Berries with a New Friend
I forgot, of course, about all the stinging nettles mixed in the bramble. I didn't forget for long. My hand is still tingling.

Later I pulled the bikes out. There are two. An older mountain bike and a newer more urban bike. I filled up the tires in the mountain bike and went for a very short spin. The brakes are in dire need of adjusting.

I tweaked the other bike and put together a little emergency road kit. I thought about going for a ride but it was getting late. Plus all this nasal drip and sneezing aren't motivating me to pound the kms.

So I set everything up for a ride tomorrow. I'll go into town for some supplies and, if the nose is no better, some anti-histamine.

I'm actually feeling a little timid riding the narrow country roads, but I also know how good getting back on a bike will be for me.  It'd be nice to do some substantial daily rides. 

And that was Sunday.

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