It never rains, it pours.
This applies to many things: monsoons, bills, and freelance work. Yesterday was a good day in the world of freelance. I spoke with
CBC Radio regarding two stories -- the piece on one one of the few remaining local shortwave stations in Canada and a new one. We've decided it will be a nostalgic piece about shortwave radio listening. There will be two main "scenes": one at the
CKZU transmitter, talking with the engineer there... and one speaking with people who used to/still listen to SW broadcasts. There is a really cool museum called
SPARC that is all about the history of radio sets. I'll be calling them today.
I also have tentative approval for a story on
film restoration too.
And, on top of that, I opened the
Georgia Straight to see one of my pictures in there... $ $ $!
And today I am spending the day getting my application together for a freelance producing gig with Vision. Details to come.
Here's some fun stuff for today:
fine place for an Austrian holiday starts with "F."!
Or, try this
Michigan town!