Friday, November 27, 2015


Nov 27, 2015
Normann's Ruh, Isle of Mull

The adventure continues. I arrived here a couple of days ago... and I'm settling in. The weather has been wet but warm. The forecast says that's about to change.

More words and pictures soon. If you can't wait, you can see some pictures on Flickr. Link is to the right.

And so I goes...

Friday, November 06, 2015

THR +16 Months and 2 Days (491 Days)

November 6, 2015 (491 Days)

The hip is such a non-issue that I missed my anniversary. As I close in on 500 days, post-replacement, I can say everything is fantastic.

I've cycled more than 800km since mid-July and if you include walking, I've done covered 1000km so far this year. Although that's probably much less than the actual total.

I sometimes get stiffness in the operated hip, and bending over can be slow, but not painful. I wonder if I need to do some special exercises? But I'm getting older, too.

The right (non-operated) hip is still pain free, despite being told that it would have to be replaced at some point. 16 months after that diagnosis, it works just fine. Fingers crossed.

And so it goes...