April 4, 2017
Liverpool, NS
Western Head, Nova Scotia - April 4, 2017 |
But the hard work, plus eating healthy and eschewing alcohol, is playing off. As of this morning I'm down 17 pounds. That's since Feb 6 -- less that two months. This is good.
It's also hard to believe that I had a hip replacement two years and nine months ago. And that the other hip has arthritis. You'd never know. It's such a completely different life from the one filled with pain.
The question now is, how do I lose the rest of the weight (roughly 30 pounds) when I won't have access to the gym everyday?
I'm off to Guatemala for May and June and that's going to be a real test. Calorie laden food. Alcohol. Not a lot of exercise. I hope I can figure something out. I've already arranged for a bike, so that will help.
It's apparent that I need to live close to a gym (or cycle two hours a day) for six months to a year. THAT will get the weight off once and for all.
Still, I'm pleased with my progress and happy that the 'bad' hip doesn't hurt.
And so I goes...
Moose Harbour, NS - April 4, 2017