March 25, 2018
San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala
It's hard to believe that Roadspill has turned 15. Going back 10-15 years, I'm surprised at how verbose I was. I guess that these days with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all clamoring for fresh content, the old-skool blog gets forgotten. But it remains as a great diary of my travels.
Speaking of travels, I'm back in San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala. Rainy season is late, and the town is hazy thanks to numerous forest fires burning up the nearby volcanos. But it's still great to be 'home'!
Here are some pix:
Watching the fires near San Pablo la Laguna. |
Sunrise over Lake Atitlan. |
Fires on Volcan San Pedro. |
Lancha on Lake Atitlan. |
Fires on the Indian Nose. |
Splash! Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. |
Helicopter dumping water on Volcan San Pedro fires. |
More fires on Volcan San Pedro. |
And that's all for now. Happy Anniversary, Roadspill! May the travelling never end...