Thursday, April 30, 2009

from the "I don't like Mondays" dept.

Remember me?

Canwest has announced that the National Post is going to take Mondays off all summer. In an effort to trim costs (they've already trimmed quality) the Post will be published 5 times a week. Not that it matters to many of you -- the Post isn't even available in large swaths of Canada.
"CanWest has $3.9 billion in debt and is negotiations with bondholders and lending banks in a bid to avoid filing for bankruptcy protection. It owns the Global television network and a string of daily newspapers from British Columbia east into Quebec, but those papers won't be similarly affected by the Monday black-outs, the report said." [MORE]
That leaves us with Toronto's national newspaper and, if you're lucky, the New York Times in addition to your local paper.

May I make a suggestion? THE INTERNET!

News, hot and fresh from the Interpherewebablogs!


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