Thursday, April 23, 2009

from the "it's a long tramp" dept,

As you well know, I travel. Usually it's motorized - bus, plane, trotro, pullman, taxi, collectivo, shuttle -- you get the drift.

Once in my life I did it the hard way -- sans motor. Back in 1993 I, along with three good friends, cycled across Portugal and into Spain. It wasn't the Tour de France -- but it wasn't easy.

But there is an even more difficult way to travel: By foot. Check out this video by Christoph Rehage. He travelled across China by foot -- and recorded self-portraits along the way. He then cut them together in a video that shows his months-long journey in a few minutes. The video also captures his ever-changing locations and his own personal transformation.

Suddenly, the idea of walking across BC or even Canada seems kind of cool.



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