Saturday, September 30, 2006
from the "shifting to glide" dept.
The weather in Vancouver has been summerlike for as long as I can remember. Hot and sunny every day. It's been amazing.
Today, a return to reality. And a welcome one too. A cool, damp day allows one to justify sleeping in and lounging. The world seems calmer. It's a chance to glide through the day, free of cares. And guilt.
It's been a busy week.
I've been writing online news for the Vancouver market, which has gone well. Though some days - especially Friday - were incredibly busy and multiple stories required multiple updates.
The good thing about covering Vancouver is that the start time is more reasonable. 7 a.m. as compared to 4 a.m. if I am covering an eastern site. Or 3 a.m. if I am covering a Maritime site. A half-hour earlier on The Rock.
The summery weather has encouraged me to get out daily with the camera (see Flickr for some of the results) and enjoy were I live. It may not be for long!
Housesitting in Kits
This weekend I am housesitting Leanne's dawg Katie. She's SUPER lower maintenance. A walk to do her business in the morning. Another in the evening. And a nice bone so she can remain bone-stoned all day.
Here's a snap from Tofino, last winter:
I'm back to my own home on Monday, which is the SECOND day of October. Yikes! Tempus fugit, and all that.
On the work front, there is little scheduled after this week. I've had calls to do sound for the educational network, but the days conflicted with my online work.
So, as of today, there is nothing scheduled after Friday.
However, I sold another image and I have a little PR gig -- the two combined will cover about half my November rent. Woo! Freelance finances are fun!
All's quiet on the tax front...
No word from the tax folks regarding the you-know-what. I just wait for the letter and enjoy not knowing what the bad news is.
... while a possible and major change in life looms.
The Ghana, Africa plan continues to move forward.
I am interviewing next week for a 8-month position in Accra, Ghana as a journalism trainer. They'd like to place me in the print side of things - though my preference is radio or television.
Pal Wendy, who is currently in Ghana on the same program, has given me all sorts of inside information.
According to her, the stipend is more than enough to cover monthly expenses if you don't want to live like a Westerner and drink expensive Whisky.
That means living like a local and eating what the masses do while staying away from expensive eateries and bars except for the occasional treat. And single malt.
>>>> LINKEROO: Wendy and Jason's Blog
A shot in the arm
A big expense, however, is shots. Wendy noted that I've probably had the lions share of them already -- but there are a few that I'll still need. Hopefully I can get discounted drugs through a physician hook-up I have. Never pay retail!
After next week's interview there will be a period of waiting before (hopefully) getting the green light. The placement starts in January, which doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare.
I reckon I will sell most of what I can, put the rest in storage, and let the chips fall where they may.
Of course, that's if I am actually offered the gig.
Here's the website for Journalists for Human Rights.
Interesting times, indeed.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
from the "roadtrip" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Took a spin down to Mount Baker, WA. Amazing place... so close to home, yet in a foreign land.
Saturday begins...
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
... with a visit to the Trout Lake Farmers' Market.
The best time of year is here...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Living Blue
Living Blue
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
More stencil art found in the back alleys of Vancouver's Commercial Drive. Great colours!
How better to welcome the first day of fall?
Two minutes to 4:20
Two minutes to 4:20
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
What is Lady Liberty doing hanging out in the back alleys of Vancouver's Commercial Drive? Note that she needs a light. Perhaps she'll get one at 4:20. Only proper for the 'hood.
Get outta the house!
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Well, the application for Ghana is done. And I am working Friday, covering the action in Ottawa.
The weekend is free and clear... and then it's two weeks of covering Vancouver news. And then, who knows!
The cool weather has arrived and the furnace kicked on overnight. I suppose there isn't any denying the fact that winter is on its way.
Or that today is the first day of fall. Blerk.
More to come.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
I was strolling along English Bay on a cool Thursday afternoon when suddenly a rainbow appeared. I hope that the pot of gold isn't a rusty old freighter.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
from the "round-up" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Tuesday round-up:
Ghana application preps continue.
Meeting re: small pr writing gig went swimmingly.
Sushi-fest for dinner.
More to come...
Getting there
Shining Path
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
The deadline for my Journalists for Human Rights application is Friday. I am hoping to snag one of their media training positions in the African nation of Ghana.
I know three people who are currently in Ghana, two of them working for the same organization.
If successful, I would head overseas next year and spend eight months in country.
I think that with my cross-platform media and journalism skills plus my experience in travelling to remote areas and developing nations, I should stand a good chance.
More to come!
Monday, September 18, 2006
End of Day
End of Day
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Sunday started out all blah and wet. It poured on the North Shore, making a photo safari difficult for most of the day. However, by the early evening the rain had stopped and the safari continued in ernest. We discovered Harbourview Park in North Van. It is little more than a sliver of land that is surrounded by port infrastructure and industrial stuff. At the end of a short walk you are offered the view above. There is even a viewing platform to get up high. Another secret discovered!
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Geese in North Vancouver Sunday evening after the rain stopped.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
I was off Sunday - unfortunately it rained for most of the day. The rain did let up towards the end of the day, enabling me to snap more images of my home.
I like this "day off" stuff!
Friday, September 15, 2006
from the "film fest fun" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
I'm very excited that the Vancouver International Film Festival is only days away.
Lots of goodies from Eastern Europe to take in...
Reviews to come!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
from the "home for a rest" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
After leaving work Saturday night, I headed down to Seattle for a bit of a break.
Caught a Mariners' game (M's lost to Texas):
Checked out the Museum of Flight (excellent):
Explored the Olympic Peninsula:
And felt a tad more relaxed. Aaah.
from the "homecoming" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Back from Seattle safe and sound. Full report to come!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
from the "good week" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
The days this week have been filled with work... but the nights... lots of fun.
Monday: magic hour along the Sea to Sky highway.
Tuesday: a night at the Nat.
Wednesday: quiet night at home.
Thursday: preps for Seattle.
Lots of interesting career things swirling around. More on that soon.
I'm heading to Seattle on Saturday - to catch the Mariners on Sunday. And to photograph the living snot out of the emerald city.
Next week: I'm off and intend to get a lot of major projects done. Can you say sort through stuff in storage?!
And so it goes.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
from the "light at the end of the tunnel" dept.
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Had a rare day off Labour Day.
Hopped in the car and headed to Pemberton, shooting all the way.
It was great!
Back to the news biz for four days and then it looks like two weeks off, STILL.
We'll see if it actually happens.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
One more day to go... then a delicious day off. On the agenda: roadtrip! Armed with camera and lots of memory cards and in search of abandoned things.
More to come.