Tuesday, May 22, 2007

from the "cost analysis" dept.

I'm killing a few minutes at the internet cafe in Accra. It's early morning and Mark Legere and I are heading to the U of G campus radio station. Tomorrow I'm holding a photography workshop at the Buduburam refugee camp. All this, of course, means I have decided to extend my stay here. Which is a nice treat.

Last night a group of us went out for dinner... and yakked on a patio until well past midnight. Another nice treat.

For the sake of comparision, here's what my costs are like:

Hotel: room w/ bathroom. Moderately clean. Fairly well located: $12/night
Taxi to internet cafe: $2.50
Internet: $1 an hour or so
Chicken Shwarma (sp): $3.50
5 disposable razors and bottle of green tea: $2.50
Taxi to University: $3.50
Damn good pizza (with CAPERS!): $8
650 ml beer $1.50

Cheap like borscht!


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