Sunday, October 14, 2007

from the "grab bag" dept.

It is hard to believe, but in less than eight weeks I'll be back in Vancouver and getting ready for ChristMESS merry making. Tick, tick, tick.

Between now and then I have a few things to attend to. The big news is the long-in-coming confirmation of a writing gig. It's a three part magazine series. The theme is "empowering women in Africa" and the focus is on Canadian-funded development projects. Now the tough part: finding them!

The first part is due at the end of October. Parts two and three shortly thereafter. The hard work begins tomorrow. Thank God I have the internet at home.

The project will take me through December 7, when I fly home.

Already my four weeks in Vancouver are already starting come into high demand. Many people are asking if I'm available for work. And I am... sort of.

Here's the issue: There is still no word on the Belize guidebook project. If it comes to pass, I'll be heading down there immediately after New Years. And if that's the case, I probably won't want to work my ass off through the holidaze.

On the other hand, if it falls through, I'm coming back to Africa and a couple of weeks employ in Canadaland will more than cover the plane ticket and a month or three of rent.

We'll see.


Brennan Leffler was in town for the past few days. He's JHR's new journo-trainer in Kumasi and came down to check out Takoradi. We drank beers on the roof, went out for several dinners and yesterday visited Cape Coast castle.

As I've toured the former-slave castle several times previously, I elected to drink beer and watch the rolling surf at a restaurant next door. Is that bad?

We spent Sunday chowing down on fresh fruit before hanging out at the bus station waiting for his bus back to his new home.

I'll likely head up to K-town as soon as I get my research done for the articles. They'll likely involve a trip up north, where many development projects are based. I want to re-visit the market at the cultural centre to load up on Christmas gifts. Then continue on to Tamale.

That's about it for now. It's a quiet Sunday night and time to watch some downloaded goodies. Prison Break, Bill Maher and perhaps my 100th viewing of High Fidelity.


1 comment:

Jude said...

Well, when you do land on Vancouver's sunny shores, you better throw a "travel summary" x-mas party. Perhaps do the William Jans thing and make a slide show you can talk to. Flicker is great, but the stories are more fun.

See you in December!