Two of the oddest places I have ever visited are the towns of Baarle-Hertog and Barrle-Nassau in Belgium/The Netherlands. It's essentially a Dutch town with a number of pieces of Belgium mixed in for a good measure. Think of it as a jigsaw puzzle. This piece is Belgium, that one is Holland. And, to keep the tourists coming, city officials from both city halls have marked the boundaries throughout the town(s). It is very odd.
When I visit such places, I always wonder about legal issues. How do law enforcement and court officials deal with such split legal personalities?
Here's a great story about a complex bi-national murder case from the Dutch blog 24 Oranges. Set in Baarle, of course:
Imagine two detectives working on a murder case, each having to solve the same crime independently, with each only having access to half the clues: it sounds like a great recipe for a mystery novel. Unfortunately, the murder in the Noord-Brabant town of Baarle-Nassau last week was anything but fictional... [ CLICK FOR MORE ]
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