Wednesday, November 04, 2009

from the "bedtime story" dept.

You'd think that the biggest thing in life right now would be settling into Edmonton and the new job. But you'd be wrong.

No, the biggest thing right now is my participation in the National Novel Writing Month. The idea: write a 50,000 word first draft in 30 days.

I've been at it since November 1. And as of early on November 4, I'm doing OK. The average daily word count one needs to crank out is 1666. I'm at 5200 or so... which is just a little ahead of schedule. I need to do another 1400 today.

It's hard letting go and not worrying about editing as I write. But that's the point. It's a brain dump.

Other than the novel, I've been searching for a new home. Nothing to report there. But all is good. Day three of work begins shortly. Day four of novel writing begins right now.


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