Tuesday, February 23, 2010

from the "rested" dept.

After two big days of Olympic shenanigans, I needed a buffer day. And, thankfully, the summer-like weather also needed a break. So on Tuesday I stayed put in Deep Cove while the rain poured down. Perfect.

I was watcing the Canada-Germany hockey game when, in the middle of it, I thought: I need to go to an event. So, on a whim, I purchased tickets for the womens gold medal final hockey game on Thursday. It should be a blast.

I plan to cover the cost of the tickets by selling my pair of mens gold medal final hockey tickets. They've been posted for a while and I hope that they will sell soon -- although the value has plummeted since Team Canada's loss to the US. And on Wednesday we face Russia. Shit.

It's been a hoot being here for the games. The energy and positive vibes are unbelievable -- I've never experienced anything like it. The fun I'm having makes me all wistful about Vancouver. And I'm not the only one. Former VTV colleague Chris Nelson has a brilliant blog post about the charms of Lady Vancouver. Read it HERE. I am in complete agreement with Chris.

So far the highlights of this visit have been: walking Vancouver like it's New York, Ukrainian House, Keri Adams, loving Ghana, avoiding line-ups, Hughesie's inside scoops, the Arms Reach Bistro and sushi. Wait! I haven't had sushi yet!

More to come...

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