Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Photo of the Day: July 6, 2010

No Photo!: Kosovo
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).

This is the last "photo of the day" for a while.

The idea began as a way to encourage/force me to take a fresh picture every day while living here in Edmonton. Sadly, I realized that to be an impossible task. So, I began raiding my archives.

Recently, it was pointed out to me that without a description of what the photo was about -- some context -- that the idea fell flat. I agree. It also became a bit of a pain in the ass.

So, from this point on I will only post photos when they're fresh and new and I have time to write some relevant text.

I'll start posting photos of the day when I'm living abroad again.

And this photo? It's of my Dutch pal Harry ten Veen looking at a no photo sign in Kosovo. We were there in 2005.

CONTEXT: Harry reads the sign, while I ignore it, thinking that a series called "No Photo!" would be fun. Of course, it is also somewhat of a challenge. This shot was taken at the Kosovo-Macedonia border crossing. I got caught too. UN Mission in Kosovo folk weren't pleased. But they didn't keep the camera or card. Suppose that's why they're called Peace Keepers.


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