Photo of the Day: October 31, 2011
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
Happy Hallowe'en!
My final days in Pugwash, NS are much like the first days: cold, wet, dull and grey. Last spring I had the summer to look forward to. This fall I have the tropics to look forward to. Ergo, no complaints!
Learning hard lessons about my country. Halifax, NS.
Occupy Crosswalk. Halifax, NS.
Fungi! Oxford, Nova Scotia.
Watch that speed! Malagash Point, Nova Scotia.
Kevin Nicol visits Pugberia!
There's more to me than just Photo of the Day. Head over to Flickr (click this image) to see more of my Nova Scotia adventure!
Shadow of my former self. Pugwash, NS.
Behind the lines. Pugwash, NS.
Seasons in the Sun. Near River John, NS.
My time here is really winding down. While I'm in Nova Scotia until November 8th, I won't be in Pugwash for all of it.
I'm staying up here through early next week -- then it's off to Halifax for a 4-day sound gig. Then back to Pugwash for Hallow'een... and that's it.
On Nov 1 I turn over the keys, load up the car and drive off into the sunset.
I'll be in Halifax for the final week, although I do plan to do a number of day trips. It's SO nice having a car.
More on my thoughts on living in Pugwash coming soon. Here's a hint... I learned to love it!
And so I goes...
Big climb to the biffy. Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.
It's been a nice few days of perfect fall weather... but the rain is back. Only a few weeks remain...
Fab fall! Shinimicas River, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.
At YHZ today - but not to depart - to get a rental car. Just three weeks remain.
It certainly makes you wonder. Hub cap central. Near Economy, NS.
One of the best things about having a rental car in Pugberia is that I can drive to the Pork Shop in Denmark, NS... and load up on oink-tacular fare. Dee-lish!
Love fall in Nova Scotia! Picture taken near Parrsboro, NS on October 15, 2011.
The things you see along Nova Scotia's highways!
River John, Pictou County.
Hopewell Rocks, New Brunswick.
Pretty darn cool rock formations at The Rocks Provincial Park.
High and dry in Alma, NB.
After a one night stay in Alma, NB, I'm back in Pugberia for a couple of weeks.
And so it goes...
Video shoot with New Brunswick Premier David Alward. Alma, NB. Camera: Scott Berrington.
The farewell tour has begun. After doing some running around, Scooter and I had lunch with Mark Hammond. T'was a fine fall day in Halifax town.
The Berringtons on an unseasonably warm day. Queensland Beach, NS.
Photo of the Day: October 10, 2011. Sea monster - Queensland Beach, Nova Scotia.
Scooter shooting me stink eye in the wine aisle. Happy Thanksgiving!
None Shall Pass. Boots and Prince block the route to the kitchen. Hammonds Plains, NS.
Lonely obruni (white) pumpkins. Amherst, NS.
Brenda and I did what was likely my last provision run to Amherst today. While she went to her appointments, I went shopping. I'm now stocked up on grub for the remainder of the month. And I found a pair of "winter" shorts for just $7.
Tomorrow I'm off to Halifax for Thanksgiving, then back to Pugwash to start wrapping things up.
I've rented a car for the final 3 weeks of my time in Nova Scotia and I have to start mapping out the great farewell tour: Liverpool, Sydney, Saint John, NB, and so on.
Time is certainly flying by. Hard to believe I'll be back in Guatemala in about a month.
And so it goes...
Another nasty day in Pugberia. But my days here are winding down and the tropics aren't far off.
Soon, some actual writing.
"The things I learned living in Pugwash"
Coming soon to a Roadspill near you!
Cold, wet and windy day in Pugwash. Summer is DEFINITELY over.
Salt ship in Pugwash (Nova Scotia) Harbour.
A few of my favourite things.
Outdoor reading cancelled due to rain. Pugwash, NS.