Saturday, December 23, 2017

Back in Canada

Saturday, December 23, 2017

I'm back in Canada and hanging out on Pender Island.

The view from here. (Pender Island, BC, Canadaland) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦️ Looking towards Washington State (Orcas Island, Lummi Island and Bellingham(ish) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ️. 
And so I goes...

Friday, December 08, 2017

Winter Has Arrived

Friday, Dec. 8, 2017

Since I arrived on Mull back in November, the weather has been quite mild. Wet, of course, but usually close to 10C/50F.

That changed last night. Winter arrived and brought with it snow (actually hail) and temperatures hovering around zero. I didn't even leave the house today.

But it is pretty:

Hello, Winter!
I won't have to deal with it very long. I'm off to Oban in a week. Then Glasgow, Iceland, Toronto and eventually BC.

And so I goes!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Random Photos - Isle of Mull, Nov 2017

November 28, 2017

Here are some recent photos from around the Isle of Mull.

Down by Loch Tuath

Calgary Beach

View from the front door. Island of Ulva in the distance.

Near Isle of Mull Cheese (Tobermory)

Loch Tuath

Dervaig at dusk... which, in November is 4pm!

The views whilst driving are spectacular!
Stuff on Calgary Beach

Rainbow by Normann's Ruh

Book by a former colleague, that I'm reading!

Ben More

Icy Roads!
And so it goes...

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Here Comes the Sun

Sunday, November 19, 2017
Isle of Mull Scotland

What can I say?

Literally right out the front door. Love.
And so it goes...

Monday, November 13, 2017

November 13, 2017
Isle of Mull, Scotland

Any guesses as to why I like it here?

I'm back! YAY!

More to come...

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Oct 28, 2017

Wow, I've been SO lax in writing on Roadspill. Thanks, other social media channels.

Not much time remains in Ireland. I head back to Scotland on Nov 6. As a treat, for the final 10 days or so, I've hired a car. I've felt cooped up a bit, because on a bicycle, my universe is small.

But I've been riding pretty much everyday. And at this point I'm actually experiencing some problems in my right calf. Good time to have a car!

Before I forget, here's what I've cycled:

August 2017 (starting the 9th) - 202 km
September 2017 - 427 km
October (to Oct 28) - 327 km

Not a huge amount of kms, but nearly 1000. As I don't have a scale here at the house, I have no idea how much weight I've lost. Some, for sure -- the clothes are definitely looser. I'll find out in Scotland.

And then I'll have to control my weight by diet (mostly).

Here's my ride for the next bit, with Moley the cat posing beside:

Manual and right-hand drive. Wheeeee!
 More to come! I hope!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Ireland II

Aug 9, 2017

I'm back in Kinvara, Ireland for a spell.

More to come!


Friday, July 28, 2017

Scotland III

July 28, 2017

I've been back on Mull for a spell. My third visit in two years. Just a short one this time, roughly one month. But, it's been great to see this amazing place in the summer. My digs are pretty swish too.

Calgary Beach, Isle of Mull, Scotland
From the moment I arrived here for the first time, way back in 2015, I've been in love with this place. How could I not? Beautiful. Rugged. And that's just the people. Mull is a truly special place and I am thankful for each moment that I get to spend here.

Heading to the Ross of Mull and Iona
This time I've had more time to explore. Down to the Ross of Mull, Bunessan and Iona. Stunning.
Boats that Wouldn't Float - Salen, Isle of Mull, Scotland
 If I had it in my power, I would make this my home. Everywhere you look is a postcard moment. The air is fresh. Except for the birds, it's quiet.

Shrine overlooking Loch Tuath, the island of Ulva and the mighty Atlantic.

Some people leave their heart in San Francisco. I believe I've left mine here.

And so I goes...

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

July 4, 2017 -> Three Years!

July 4, 2017 
Halifax, NS

Today marks three years since my hip replacement. And still no sign of the right hip needing replacement.

Let freedom ring!

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

THR +1005

THR +1005 (2 years, 9 months)
April 4, 2017
Liverpool, NS

Western Head, Nova Scotia - April 4, 2017
I'm two months in to my Liverpool, NS stay with one to go. As I've noted, I've been going hard on the stationary bike at the gym. Generally two hours every weekday morning. That's 160km. One day I did 51km in a single sitting. That was hard.

But the hard work, plus eating healthy and eschewing alcohol, is playing off. As of this morning I'm down 17 pounds. That's since Feb 6 -- less that two months. This is good.

It's also hard to believe that I had a hip replacement two years and nine months ago. And that the other hip has arthritis. You'd never know. It's such a completely different life from the one filled with pain.

The question now is, how do I lose the rest of the weight (roughly 30 pounds) when I won't have access to the gym everyday?

I'm off to Guatemala for May and June and that's going to be a real test. Calorie laden food. Alcohol. Not a lot of exercise. I hope I can figure something out. I've already arranged for a bike, so that will help.

It's apparent that I need to live close to a gym (or cycle two hours a day) for six months to a year. THAT will get the weight off once and for all.

Still, I'm pleased with my progress and happy that the 'bad' hip doesn't hurt.

And so I goes...

Moose Harbour, NS - April 4, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Roadspill: 14 Years Old!

Roadspill turns 14 today. How about that!


So to update: All good. Losing weight. Booking trips (Guatemala, Scotland, Ireland). Can't complain!

Happy Birthday Roadspill!

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Arrived: Liverpool

February 4, 2017

The year is FLYING by. Today also marks another monthly hip replacement anniversary. I forget which one.

I arrived in NS late Thur, drove to Liverpool on Friday and here I am. It was a long journey and I'm still knackered.

Since arriving, I've been doing some shopping and setting up house. And I went to a fire hall breakfast in nearby Charleston. And I joined the gym.

The weather is sunny, there's a few inches of snow on the ground but it has been windy and cold. BRR!

And so it goes!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

1 Second Everyday

January 15, 2017

On January 1, 2016, I read a New York Times article about an app called '1 Second Everyday'.

The app makes it easy to record a video snippet everyday and then at the end of the year you can mash all the snippets together to create a video of your year -- each day represented as one second.

I started that day and managed to remember to record video (or a still) each day for the entire year. I took the resulting video and added location information and music. The app added the dates.

Here's my 2016. Enjoy!

And so it goes...

Friday, January 06, 2017

2017! New Adventures and Visitors!

January 6, 2017

Happy New Year!

I'm now moving into the last few weeks of my Scottish adventure. Lots of time remains to enjoy this wonderful place, but I feel that the end is on the horizon. Travel plans will be complete in the next few days. Likely straight from the UK to Canada. As much as I'd like to go to Spain for a week, I want to maximize my time here.

I've had a visitor for the last few days. A good pal whom I met in Guatemala. Kathy recently relocated to the UK and made the journey from near London to Mull just to see me. Well, not just me... there is some scenery here. And nice beaches. Even in the winter.

Kathy enjoying a nice day at the beach near Torloisk, Isle of Mull.
The good life continues!