Sunday, March 12, 2006

from the "this and that" dept.

It's officially Sunday morning, almost a week since my last (short) post.

I've been busy with all kinds of work and various projects. Friday was a day off and I did very little. Today I spent the morning buying stuff for the trip -- memory cards, dry bags, et al. It's not very far off, and much needs to be done, and bought.

Speaking of Belize, I will be working on a couple of projects there -- both are music based and both will be a nice change from writing news. I'll be back to my old tricks as an audio guy.

I'm already thinking of extending my trip by a week... not sure what that will cost. My airfare was dirt cheap (C$460). A change will probably mean a $100 fee and the difference in a new fare. It might be a ton, it might not. We'll find out soon.

That's about it... sleep calls!


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