Yeah, yeah... I know I've been slack when it comes to providing you my daily blather. But I've been so busy providing blather to others, I've had little time for my own.
This will come to an end. Soon.
It's less than a week until I depart for the tropical south. In fact, I leave for Seattle on Sunday -- where I will overnight -- before flying the redeye to Belize City on Monday. I arrive Tuesday afternoon.
So, in addition to the above mentioned daily blather creation for others, I am running around doing errands and buying stuff.
Lots of irons continue to glow in the fire, though none are ready to yank out yet. More news soon.
I did hear back from the Lonely Planet folks... will have the thumbs up/down by April 15. Mark your calendar.
Oh! Saw the British film Tristram Shandy with Chris, Vince and Randy this evening. Funny as hell. Weird too. Perfect!
More soon. And much more from Belize.
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