Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by borderfilms.com.

Compared to the flight from SEA-MIA, MIA-BZE was like being in first class. The plane was half empty, and the seats seemed bigger.

I may have been a bit groggy, but none-the-less, the last leg was comfortable.

I arrived just after 1pm in Belize City. All went smoothly, especically customs.

The air temperature was 30C, meaning that my attire of a fleece and jeans was now terribly wrong. I ditched the fleece, and seriously considered putting the shorts and sandals on... but then decided it was quicker just to get my ass to Brent's.

The cab driver was a talkative sort, and we discussed Belizean politics. He was certainly surprised by my knowledge. He must have thought I was a portly American tourist.


More in next post!


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