Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Gimme 5

Thumbs Down
Originally uploaded by borderfilms.com.

The weekend was fab. Like having a real life! After the big day out with Mr. P. Saturday, Sunday was a repeat.

In the morning there was a suprise brunch for Lorne's wife, Katrina. She was pleasantly surprised, and it was a great chance to wag the chin with a tableful of people I've not seen in a while. Now I know why working weekends sucks. You lose your life.

After the big feed at Cafe Deux Soleil on Commercial Drive, I zipped home and pulled my dusty old bike from the garage.

After swaping out my knobby tyres for slicks, I drove out to Kitsilano and met up with Leanne. It was a sunny, though cool, day and we cycled for about 2 blocks before my new slick came off the rim.

No biggie. We visited a nearby gas station -- and after some fighting with the rubber, we got it all sorted. And we were mobile again.

We cruised around Kits, the various beaches, and basically enjoyed a fine day off.

We ended the day looking at pictures from Tofino.

Monday was a return to the 6am grind writing webnews followed by a single beer and lots of conversation with Cheryl and Lisa. Unfortunately I had my car, so I was limited to just the one Red Truck. A fine brew none the less. To say nothing of hanging with Cheryl and Lisa, of course.

Tuesday: work. Tough day because it was budget day. Then watched the Sopranos and found myself depressed to learn that Tony is 46. Sheesh!

That's the latest. Something more interesting/creative soon!



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