So... I wait and wait and wait all day Thursday for FedEx to deliver my new MacBook.
The FedEx website confirms that it's on the delivery truck and heading my way! Yay!
Imagine my surprise, hours later, when I check the package's online status again and it notes that a delivery attempt was made. And there was no one home.
I run downstairs and... nothing.
I check the buzzer by the front door. My note, telling the driver to call my mobile if there no answer, is still there.
It's not like I went anywhere. I was too scared of missing the delivery person to even take a leak, much less go gallivanting around Deep Cove.
And there is no "attempted delivery" sticker at the front door.
My initial conclusion? The moron driver either was too scared of the rain and didn't get out of his truck... or he couldn't find a multi-story building in Deep Cove.
There are two.
And only one with an entrance on Gallant Ave.
So I call FedEx. The customer service rep, who is likely in Bangalore, repeats what the website says.
No, I say, no one has been here. Yes, I say, that's the correct address.
So now I wait for customer service to provide some customer service.
And where is my new MacBook?
Likely having a gas in the same black hole where Canada Post redirected my mail for the past three months.
I'm having a Scotch.
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