Saturday, April 03, 2010

April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).

Fading memories near Loverna, Saskatchewan.

Day two of my Southwestern Saskatchewan adventure is about to start -- after another cup of soapy coffee (?) and a shower.

It's early morning in Kindersley, SK, and I have lots of territory to cover today-- all the way to the Montana border. I'm shocked at how much abandoned stuff is out here. It's quite amazing.

The weather has been perfect (13C and sunny). The fields are dry (actually too dry for the farmers). And there are no bugs (especially wood ticks) to speak of.

I've seen lots of wildlife: deer, coyotes and returning geese. And I'm stunned by the beauty of this desolate landscape.

Tonight I'll likely stay in Swift Current, SK.

More to come!


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