Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Copenhagen Airport; Departure Lounge
8:58am local time.

After a great dinner last night with Peter, Nicolette, Jesper and Mike, the trip is really over now. We went to a great and affordable joint called Broadway -- a turkish joint. After a couple of beers and lots of laughs, we called it a night around 10pm.

We took Mike to the train station and saw him off. And then Peter took his train to Oelstykke. And Jesper, Nicolette and I went to thier place. I had a fitfull sleep, as is normal. Thinking about getting more work lined up after some stuff I was counting on fell apart. And then there are the bills, Belize, and real life. However, it is all motivation for getting the Border Expedition stories together.

It's quiet here in CPH. Just waiting for the flight at 10:40am. Security was a breeze, and the wireless internet is a dream. I'm sitting here listening to a news radio station from Vancouver while writing this. All with no wires. Amazing. Of course, there is a small fee. And I only have a few hours left on my battery (my charging unit is packed away).

I think I'll go grab something to eat and see if I can find an English paper to read -- one that is not too expenisve!

There is a 2 hour layover in Toronto before arriving in Vancouver at 5:11pm.

There may be more in case I get bored!


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