Tuesday, August 23, 2005

from the "it's a wacky land down there" dept.

Just 10 days after I was in America, and having enjoyed it thoroughly, I am now bombarded by the craziness that fills their (and our) media:

1. Former REPUBLICAN presidential candidate Pat Robertson calls for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president. Yup, there's democracy in action! I hope Chavez cuts oil exports to the great land of freedom (if you agree with us).

2. News that the NYC transit authority is dropping $212 million into the pocket of Lockheed Martin for sensors and cameras to thwart that terrorist menace. Let's see, who has benefitted the most from 9-11?

3. It gets absurd after a while. This just in from the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON - That vagrant in the subway may not really be a homeless person. The government says he may be a terrorist in disguise.
An e-mail message from the U-S Attorney's Office in Washington warns that some terrorists may be pose as street people to conduct surveillance of buildings and mass transit stations for future attacks.

The e-mail stresses that there is no known threat of an attack. However, the message says homeless people tend to go unnoticed, particularly in mass transit systems.

Police, fire and emergency personnel are advised to be aware of any vagrants who look unfamiliar or out of place -- a in a recent case in Somerville, Massachusetts. A police officer in Somerville became suspicious about someone dressed as a street person and discovered a passport from the Middle East or South Asia and a checkbook with a questionable address.


So... not only are terrorists brown,they're also poor and homeless. Perhaps the next step is special internment camps? Not like Guantanamo Bay... I'm talking REX 84!

What has happened to this world?!?

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