Thursday, October 27, 2005

from the "three days at rest" dept.

It's been sweet these past three days. Nice weather and fall colours are very smile enducing.

Point form again:

- nothing shaking re: the holocaust doc. The work continues on the right agreement, though we are planning to head to Sacramento in December regardless.

- I'm very excited about Halifax -- and I've just scored 2 if not 3 days of work for the folks while there. I like a working vacation!

- Finally got the 2006 Borderland calendar done. Buy it here:

- Working on getting a photo archive of my border images up. Playing with MySQL and PHP stuff. NOT fun. And not very successful. Yet.

- Spent a great part of yesterday in Deep Cove. My brakes were being repaired, so armed with a camera, I snapped away. Images to come.

- Back to work tomorrow. Then 4 on, two off, 10 on, and off to LobsterLand!

- More news about a possible trip to India in Jan or Feb. Cross fingers and toes, please.

- Also applied for a 3 month position as a video journalist for the UN in Kashmiri Pakistan. Heh! Nin fun, that!

And so it goes...


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