Monday, December 05, 2005

from the "2 days on, 4 days off" dept.

The first weekend home is over, and two days of work are now history. And 4 days off await. Nice life, eh?

With Christmas bearing down, there are a billion things to do: cards, presents, rum and egg nog. Sweet!

I had a meeting today with the Night of Artist folks... I'm back in for 2006... and I will have another article in the NOA magazine. I know this will demand lots of my time, but I think it is a good marketing opportunity.

Winter is in full force here in Vancouver. White stuff everywhere, cold, and even homeless people dying. Definitely strange. And it's been wintery for some time -- but I was basking on the warm east coast for most of it.

That's it for now. More interesting stuff to come soon. Pictures too.



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