Tuesday, December 13, 2005

from the "done like dinner" dept.

I am finished.

No more presents to buy or wrap.

No more cards to write or send.

No more crowds to fight and hate.

My holiday season now turns to merriment. And there are still 12 days to go... excellent (insert evil laugh here).

Today was an odd day. I am writing content for www.cbc.ca/PEI which meant I had to rise and shine at 3am. Not too difficult, as I was able to close my eyes around 10pm last night. But now, at 12:24 my time, 4:24pm work time -- I am rather beat.

I stumbled on some cool pictures from Turkey, and will attempt to post them soon. They're in my PC laptop and I have no way of shrinking them down to a small size.

On my Mac, it's easy. I have several programs that make it simple.

There's no news on the Jewish "treasure" documentary to report. And there is little else happening, other than the standard stuff.

With that, I think I'll head upstairs to relax. The workday is done.


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