Saturday, January 21, 2006

Leanne & friend

Leanne & friend
Originally uploaded by

The skies cleared yesterday (Fri Jan 20) and as I worked early, I was able to fit in a stroll on the beach before darkness came.

It was also an opportunity to play with the 10.5 lens. This pic is of Leanne and her dawg.

We strolled around for about an hour, saw some rabbits, and enjoyed the dryness.

It's now Saturday morning and the skies are once again grey, and the drops are falling.

No biggie: I have to work at 2, so let it rain.

Certainly looking forward to Caye Caulker and Belize in March. It can't come soon enough. Although it probably will.

Meanwhile, the Heads Up shoot is ongoing in Toronto. No panicked phonecalls, so I assume everything is going smoothly.

And with that, time to make some breakfast... and begin the slow process of getting ready for work.


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