Saturday, September 15, 2007

from the "it's over" dept.

The headline is a little misleading, but, officially anyway, my JHR gig is over. It began January 15 and ended today, Sept. 15. Boy, did it go FAST!

I still have a video to finish for JHR's head office, but that's work I can do at home.

SKYY News is now Kevin's responsibility and I can concentrate on freelance.

Speaking of Kevin: he, Jessie and Mia (a Swedish national who works for UNHCR in Accra) have gone to Togo for the weekend.

I've decided to hang out in Jessie's apartment (which used to be Mark and Janet's) in LaBone until they return Sunday. I would have joined them, but I didn't have much motivation to go for just the weekend.

A Togo visa costs about $40... and the only thing I'd do in Lome is buy coffee... which Kevin is doing for me.

I do want to return to Togo, but would rather head north to Kpalime and spend time up there. It's also easier and cheaper to just hang here in Accra.

And after discovering an Indian grocery store, I want to load up on stuff there! Masala! Paneer! Tikka this and that! Drool!

Also, the idea of another visit to the sushi joint is most enticing.

That's it for now... got to go watch the rest of the Ghana-Canada Women's World Cup match...


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