Sunday, November 18, 2007

from the "not-quite-the-USO" dept.

Brennan Leffler and I are hoping to cover this story for the media folks back home:

DAKAR (Reuters) - As it steams down the West African coast, the USS Fort McHenry faces one of its toughest battles: to convince skeptical Africans their continent can benefit from more U.S. military involvement.

The 600-foot (185-metre) ship, which saw combat in the first Gulf War, is embarking on a six-month mission to train West African navies to fight drug smuggling and maritime security threats in a region which supplies nearly a fifth of U.S. oil imports, rivaling the Middle East.

The rest of the story:
U.S. to woo Africans with naval diplomacy -

If all goes according to plan, we'll be sailing up the coast of
Ghana next weekend.


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