One of Bill O'Really's minions takes tries to take Rev. Michael Pfleger down in an ambush interview... and gets blown out of the water. It is SO tasty to see the minion get shut down. Stay with the video all the way to the end. It's the best part. More background under the video.
From C&L:
Yeah!And that’s what America really looks like. Which is why you normally don’t get to see it on TV.
Turns out the man in the video above is a Catholic priest by the name of Rev. Michael Pfleger, and apparently Bill O’Reilly did use a part of the interview above on his show. Approximately 5 seconds of it. On April 2. And yet, despite how well Pfleger deflects the nonsense tossed at him by O’Reilly’s ambush reporter (as seen in the above, not on his show) O’Reilly has been flogging the same “racist, hate-monger” nonsense for weeks.
As if that’s not bad enough, after the 5 seconds shown from the above interview, O’Reilly went on to do a full 6 minute segment discussing whether or not…wait for it…Pfleger should be sanctioned by the Catholic Church!
I wish I was kidding. (Watch the Bill O’Reilly video over at BradBlog)
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