Saturday, July 19, 2008

from the "missed it by that much" dept.

So. I didn't get the gig.

What gig?

Working as a television producer for NATO.

But I came close: In fact, I was number two. And, if the person who did get the job decides to bail for whatever reason, it's mine.

I'm not holding my breath.

But the NATO folks were encouraging. And told me to keep at it.

I will.

So what does the future have in store?

Well, my CBC contract is drawing to a close and it looks like it won't be extended. In the meantime I have a two week break in Halifax (to celebrate the 20th anniversary launch of MITV/Global Maritimes) and Winnipeg (to clean up a basement). Fun!

After that? I'm not sure.

I'll likely be able to cobble together work from here and there to make a fulltime job.

Or the successful NATO candidate will bail.

Or I'll just go back to Africa. Or Belize.

Time will tell...


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