Saturday, July 26, 2008

from the "pulled in many directions" dept.

I'm moving again, though it's not far.

From Vancouver to Deep Cove. Just 30 minutes away by car if there are no jumpers on the bridge. I swear suicides are more common than eagles 'round these parts.

"The best place on earth," indeed.

I'll be in the mountain and water surrounded confines of Deep Cove until the end of next week. Then I move back downtown to a fancy condo for an entire month of housesitting.

The only thing I have to figure out is what to do with my car, and what to do with the rest of my life.

As usual, there are plenty of irons cooking away in the fire. But none seem to be ready. I'm holding out hope that my current contract will be extended despite taking two weeks off in September. But if there is nothing solid in that department by the end of July, I'm going to make some plans that don't include living here.

Also, I intend to sniff around for similar promo work while in Halifax. As mentioned before, I am pretty much done with Vancouver. It's nice and all, but doesn't have much of a soul. Whereas the other coast is all soul, but it lacks world-class-city-ness. And I bet there isn't an abundance of cheap, good sushi like there is here.

Decisions, decisions.


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