Friday, July 16, 2004

And another week comes to a close.
It was a good one... with two days off... and enough CBC work to keep me smiling.
The car overheated again -- so into the garage it went.  My pal Ted lent me his wheels, which was cool.
I picked up my car last night -- and was doing the dance of joy when the bill totalled less than $100.  My previous visit to the Deep Cove garage (Central Motors, I believe) set me back a mere $60. 
It's rare to escape a garage for less than several hundred clams.
However, this morning the car overheated again.  When I parked at the CBC, I noticed that it was steaming.  Popping the hood revealed steam spewing from an upper rad hose.
Hopefully the problem is limited to a new clamp.  Methinks I will stop by CanTi for a clamp before making the attempt to drive home tonight.
I finished another article for the Georgia Straight.  It was originally scheduled for this week -- but has been moved back a couple of weeks (or less).  I'll post the link when it hits the paper.  It's all about a divided community in the Netherlands called Baarle-Nassau/Baarle-Hertog.
22 bits of land within the Dutch town are actually Belgian -- making for a weird quilt of two nations in one community.
August continues to look lean, which is not necessarily a bad thing.  Some time off would be nice, and I seem to be doing ok this month.  After this weekend - I will work 14 staight.
The apartment is no better.  The constant passing of cars still annoys and wakes me up on mornings when I don't have to get up early.  I'm trying to deal.  Still -- I haven't bothered unpacking much stuff because a) lack of time  and b) no motivation.
There are some other places for rent in the area -- and I will take a look at them over the weekend. Still, moving back to Vancouver is probably the best idea -- just in case the car decided to up and die.
Not much to bitch about...  things seem to be going ok.  I bought a George Foreman grille last weekend, and it has made a total difference in what I eat and the amount of times I eat out.  5 minutes for grilled salmon?  Hello!
I'm still itching for a journey.  Although money is tight, I might be able to do a road trip to Calgary in August.  Rent a car, get the hell outta dodge.
Not a bad idea...

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