Thursday, July 08, 2004

The double shifts done, I was all ready for a big long sleep last night.

I dove under the covers just after 1am (I worked until midnight)... and was awoken:

at 5 -- with calf cramps
at 6 -- by traffic noise
at 7 -- by the neighbours hammering

Let's see... I moved why?

I had a ton of running around to do -- mattes, frames, etc. All for the Night of Artists show on Saturday. I dropped another few hundred.

The car also overheated today, and I barely made it home tonight. I had to stop about 2km from home (after midnight) and let the thing cool. All the water was gone, and it steamed like hell when I added water. I managed to limp home.

With the art show this weekend, I must have a car. And considering all the running around that needs to be done tomorrow and Friday (including working at 6:30 tomorrow, 5am Friday),,, I have no options. Good thing I'm working all the time.

It is now 2:18am. I must get up in 3 hours... so... goodnight!



PS: Why did I move here??

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