My wifi connection has been very spotty the last few days.
I am currently sitting on the deck overlooking the Deep Cove 500. Trying like hell to enjoy the noise, the exhaust, and the relentless coming and going of thousands of cars.
It sucks beyond belief.
Sunday afternoon -- between 3:05 and 3:06pm, 18 vehicles passed in one minute.
Let's try again 3:07-3:08 -- 16 vehicles including a bus and 2 Harleys.
One last timeL 3:09-3:10pm: 15 vehicles including *another* bus.
Granted, it is the weekend, but believe it or not, weekends are less busy! In fact, this morning, the traffic didn't start until well after 7. It was very nice.
It's hot again too.
Saturday was my first full day in Deep Cove since moving here May 23. Amazing.
I did some shopping at Lonsdale Quay -- picking up all sorts of cool stuff -- from Goulash paste to garlic olives to dolmathes. And then I stopped at the Crab Shack on the way home for some salmon burger patties, and a couple of crab burgers. The salmon burgers -- which I cooked up on the George Foreman Grille last night -- were out of this world.
I love the salmon!
I ended up having a few sangria with Randy at the Arm's Reach Bistro, only 2 blocks away. This is the Deep Cove I like. After that, it was time for a wade in the ocean. Niiice.
There was even a territorial arguement between 2 ice cream trucks. Very funny.
Today I was going to go buy an inner tube for the water, but haven't gotten around to it. This is my second and last day off before working 14 straight. Exciting life.
I did the hike this morning around 7:30 -- the first time in several weeks. I didn't bother timing it, as there is no real reason. And with the heat, it would have been slower that previous hikes. Following that, I spent an hour or more reading yesterday's Globe and Mail at Honey's. I broke down and had a muffin. They're just so good!
I am starting to feel guilty for being at home, even though I'm on the deck. I think its time to go check out the water...
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