Saturday, July 09, 2005

from the "weekends rule" dept.

The alarm did its thing at 7am this Saturday morning. Far from being cracked, I have a legit reason for getting up so early on a weekend: to maximize it.

This is my on weekend in July when I am not working. Despite ranting last year about pissing my summer away by working (heh, that sounds funny!), I was determined to have some more free time this summer. And I blew it. Big time.

Though, there is more travel ahead, and as my roommate Bryan says, I'll have money for it. True enough.

This was a good Saturday.

After the early rise -- which was not as early as I'd hoped due to repeated smacks of the "snooze" button -- I met up with TV & film goddess Sue Biely for brunch.

We chatted about a million things, plus the "Christa" project -- the documentary about the buried valuables of Holocaust victims/survivors.

Sue also expressed interest in road-tripping around the Balkans. Hello! You had me at Belgrade...

After our tasty meal at The Whip, we parted ways and I blasted across the Lion's Gate to do a little photo safari with Ted Schredd of fame.

We played with his new Powerbook -- especially Garage Band. Holy doodle, what a program. Anyone can make music with that. I feel like going to by it... tomorrow.

Then we headed to some semi-off-limit areas to North Vancouver to snap pictures. We found some great industrial areas and a film set that looked like the old west.

Photos to come tomorrow (Sunday).

I came home and did something I have yet to do here: go for a swim in our pool. The summer has been less that toasty, and even today was average. And then it rained. But around dinner time, the sun was out and the water was warm. And in I went. Sweet.

Looking at my work schedule, I shake my head.

Beginning Monday, I work 9 straight. 2 off. 6 on. 1 off. 3 on. And then its Aug 1. At least I have that off.

Then in Aug, I have one weekend (13-14)... and work 2 on, 2 off, 7 on, 2 off, 2 on, 1 off, 5 on, 3 off, 4 on, 2 off, and it's Sept. 1.

And then Janis Pethybridge arrives! And all will be right in the world again. A few days after that, Brent and Roh will probably arrive from Belize. And then, mid-Sept, you know who will probably go back with them to Mexico and Belize.

Or, off to former-Yugoslavia with Sue.

Methinks its bedtime...


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