They've already started to refer to today's terrible bombings in London as 7/7. Egads. Please don't follow their lead!
Like most people in North America, I woke this morning to the news of the bombings. Another sad day. And, to think I riding the tube just a few weeks ago.
At work today, people in the newsroom were saying things like: "good thing we didn't take part in the Iraq war" and "it won't happen here."
I think this thinking is wrong.
The terror campaign is against the West... the US and UK happen to be the figure heads. But I think we in Canada are just as likely to experience terrorist acts.
Remember, Ahmed Ressam? He's the terrorist who was going to drive to LA and blow up the airport. Guess where he was working on his little project? Vancouver. Good thing he got snagged at the US border.
I hate to say it, but I think it will happen here. And within 24 months. I hope I'm wrong.
But think about it: if the object is terror, that what better way to scare people: bomb here and there. And not big targets. Small ones too. Wait until it starts happening in small towns.
Is there an answer? No. But one thing that might help is to look at the root causes.
A big one: Palestine. Whether you are for or against creating an independent Palestinian state, you have to admit that this is one of the biggest reasons for the growth of terrorism. Not to mentions the foreign policy of some countries.
A colleague pointed me to a letter Osama himself wrote to the American people. It's been translated to English, and makes for important reading. Large amounts of it are pure crap. But there are some answers too...
Read it here.
I hope it's a better tomorrow...
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