Another weekend... and another week gone by. Also, it's Canada Day (or was).
The week flew by, as they usually do. I've been housesitting for my friends Don & Linda. It's a nice escape... in a cool location. I can walk to work... or wander up and down Main St. Which is like wandering up and down Commercial Drive, without the heroin addicts to step over.
There was more positive movement with the "Christa" documentary. We're doing up the legal stuff and once that is done, things should really speed up. We hope, anyway.
The Georgia Straight has decided to take my Roadtrip Across Albania story, though it isn't slated for publication until September! I still have to write my map story, which is due July 6... and will appear the following week.
I've been back in the news grind for the last 3 days, and many more follow. Next day off I belive is next weekend. Paying the piper, as it were.
Sunday I move back to home, and with any luck the sun will be out and the pool will be heated.
Live 8 starts Saturday... I can't believe its been 20 years since Live Aid. I can remember sitting in the Marigold on Portage Ave. in Winnipeg watching it... I might even have it on tape! Although 20 year oxide might be a little flakey.
That's about it... got to work in 10 hours. But it will be nice being off at 6:30pm on a Saturday for once!
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