Friday, February 25, 2005

All the ingredients!

All the ingredients!
Originally uploaded by
The first full day here, and it's all about doing little.

Brent and I got the wireless network going, so now I can get email anytime without interruption. This wasn't a priority, but seemed to be something to do. And it works, although Belize Telephone's ADSL isn't the speediest connection.

We strolled down to the store and met up with Grandmaster. Suppose I should have taken a snap.

The cold/allergy thing continues to hang on. Nothing terrible, just a running nose that never stops.

Upstairs at Brent and Roh's building, there is much construction going on. Which means little peace.

Brent calls it the "noisiest little city in the world". I agree.

Last night we checked out the Belize Film Fest. Caught a damn fine movie from Peru. It was called Con Job and was all about people scamming other people. It was a indictment of the Fujimori legacy of graft and corruption. But it was quite funny.

Tonight we are off to the festival again -- this time to see King of Bollywood.

The theatre is nice -- built by the Mexican gov't. Which gives you an idea of how poor Belize is when Mexico is giving you handouts.

It's sunny and hot, which is just fine. And certainly not as bad as Guatemala was 2 years ago.

Ah, the tropics!


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