Sunday, February 13, 2005

from the "it's alive!!!!" dept.

I missed the call, but the voice mail contained today's gift. It was my missing-in-action accountant. He left a message saying that he had been out of town dealing with his terminal father... and was back and able to give me my tax stuff.


This is beneficial in several respects. It keeps RevCan at bay, and it means that I should be expecting a nice tax refund. Which means some money for food whilst toodling around Albania in May.

It also means that I can get 2003 done... maybe this week... and get that monkey off my back.

And that leaves 2004. Which should be a cakewalk as I am somewhat prepared. And, as it stands, I have no work from April 7 through May 5.

Yep. It always works out!


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