Saturday, February 26, 2005

from the "Saturday morning in the City without Pity" dept.

So far, the Belize experience has been relaxing and film filled.

Friday night, Brent, Roh and I went to see an American/Dominican film called Pasaporte Rojo (Red Passport). It was the tale of an ex-con who wanted to settle some scores and debts from a counterfeiting job that had gone bad. I didn't like it much. I found the editing poor and the story wrapped up far too neatly at the end (maybe that was the American part).

We didn't get to King of Bollywood, as it was a long film and we were hungry. Instead we went to a Karoke bar called Putt Putt. Before it was a Karoke joint, it had been a minature golf course. The name stuck.

We were treated to much bad singing. Until one woman got up and belted it out. That motivated Roh, who got up and blew everyone away. She's a pro singer, however -- and declined to be part of the competition. There was a $50 prize for the best singer.

We came back to the house and crashed.

Saturday morning (now) started with breakfast including fresh bananas, oranges, and pineapples. Plus some amazing sweet bread.

And now its time to run off to the film festival. I'm going to a film about the volcano in Monseratt (sp). Brent is going to a seminar.

More to come...


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