Wednesday, March 09, 2005

from the "good, bad, and ugly" dept. (aka FIDO BLOWS)

First let me dispell a myth: I am not online *all* the time. But, since I have wireless broadband in my apartment, I tend to jump on when between (non)activities. It's a way to beat the sun, and cool off.



Nothing like going for a long kayak in the Caribbean Sea, then eskimo rolling into the drink to cool off. Oh, and it's March. :)


I have discovered that the shit-for-brains company I give my mobile phone business to continues to suck royally. FIDO has given me nothing but grief for the past 7 years. But they were small and growing and independent. Plus, I didn't want to change my number.

Now the bastards have finally broken me. I've just discovered that since being in Belize, most of people calling me (like for business!) have been receiving a "fast busy" signal. This is akin to saying I've skipped the country, died, and am never coming back.

I was wondering why the phone never rang, despite saying there was service.

It's because the WORST CELL PHONE COMPANY in the world can't get its act together... even now that they're owned by Rogers.

So if you're calling me for work, I am not dead. I have not skipped the country. I am reachable on email. At least that works.



Mix being pissed off with being tired from kayaking and the taste of fresh squeezed OJ and you realize one thing: some rum would make a fine addition!

Cheers! (and SCREW FIDO!)

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