Wednesday, March 09, 2005

from the "time flies" dept.

I can't believe it's Wendesday already. After last night's excitement of taking pictures, I set up an interview for today with Wish Willy. I'll roll over there midday.

There are a few other things on the agenda:

- test the WiFi to Heather's home
- do a soundseeing tour (maybe, though I feel this might be lame)
- snap more photos, especially product shots of the Solio solar iPod charger

Yup. Big day ahead!

It started around 5:45am. I whirled around the radio dial in search of far off stations, and heard mostly Central American and Mexican broadcasters. I did hear the U.S. propaganda station Radio Marti which is aimed at Cuba. Blah blah blah Bush blah blah blah.

Sunrise was looking dandy, so I grabbed the camera and headed to the end of a nearby dock to snap away. Unfortunately I had kept the camera in my air conditioned bedroom, and the lens immediately fogged up. Still, the images look kinda cool. And they will be posted here soon.

I think the next order of business is to grab some breakfast after listening to the headines on BBC World Service. I understand that Mount Saint Helens is burping and farting again. Like to be there to witness that in person.

Have I mentioned the water here on the island? Awful! It's clean enough, but tainted with sulphur. Needless to say, it is necessary to buy water for most uses. I bought a 5 gal bottle... which went quickly. I'm now midway through a second.

Right. That's interesting. Heh.

On that note... breakfast calls.


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