Wednesday, March 23, 2005

From the "point form again" dept.

So many things, so little time:

1. Neighbours in Vancouver busted for grow-op while I was away. Today Hydro came and snipped their wires.

2. Lots of work ahead. Pretty much booked until mid-Sept.

3. Super secret trip is on the horizon. No details available.

4. Europe trip looms. May 4th!! Heh heh.

5. Interviewed by Macleans magazine for an article on Podcasting. And away we go!

6. Tax hell turns into winfall.

7. Seriously considering land purchase in Belize.

8. Selling blood to finance land purchase mentioned above.

9. Changes at the house: Cheryl out. 3 men try to figure out how to use the oven. ("It's kind of like a dryer, for meat.")

10. Busy since I came home. Worked at 3 of 4 days.

11. Tan fading.

12. Bedtime!


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