Friday, June 23, 2006

from the "half empty" dept.

New Year
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).

It's hard to believe that the year is nearly half over.

Many things are swiriling and the latest is a small chance of travelling to Armenia and India this fall. This was discussed last year, but the project was put on hold.

The super secret project is no longer on hold and appears to be gathering steam.

Elsewhere, I'm still shellshocked from the Lonely Planet news. The assessment was so glowing that I almost can't believe they were talking about me.

But when I go back over my "test" piece for them, I am still happy with it. There are little things I might tinker with -- but all in all, it was a cracker jack effort.

It's nice to be filled with confidence -- now if I could only make heaps of money!

More dispatches to come...


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