New Lens
Originally uploaded by borderfilms (Doug).
I spent the weekend picking away at the long list of things to do but, unfortunately, I didn't accomplish much.
Saturday was a busy day. It began with brunch with my former boss Lawrence. He picked Luxy's on Davie. I rarely frequent this part of the city so it was nice to visit somewhere other than the usual haunts.
The food ( spinach omlette) was great -- and as a bonus, a little bit of work came out of the meeting -- including stuff that I can do while in Ghana. Perfect.
Methinks I could become a nomad by writing my way around the world. Hey -- is that a book title?
I zipped over to Kits after brunch to pick up Leanne and we headed to the East Side for the monthly winter farmers' market. I loaded up on root veggies and breads. I got a great deal on cinny buns -- six for the price of two. And they're amazingly good. How can I wait another month?! Actually, the next market will be on Jan. 6 - my last full day in Vancouver.
After the market I dropped Leanne off and headed home for a bit. Then it was back to Leanne's for a tasty dinner. We pulled out the big Nat Geo atlas and looked compared the per capita incomes of African nations. How's that for exciting?
It WAS informative... Ghana's PCI is about $300/year. Canada is over $20,000.
Sunday was another day to ignore the list. I spent way too much time online building my Mountain Equipment Co-op wish list.
But by midday, the cabin fever was overwhelming. I headed back to the Drive to take some pictures and grab a coffee. This time I visited the Prado Cafe ( h/t Donna ) but felt like I was cheating on Continental. I also couldn't get internet connectivitiy, which forced me to read an actual book (Bradt's Ghana guide).
It is now Monday morning. Just after 7 a.m. I'm doing the laundry and avoiding working on my taxes. But not for much longer. The window to get things done is slowly closing. And I still have my possessed car to deal with.
I am back to work on Thursday and work straight through until the 16th (10 straight). Then one off and five in a row.
The snow remains, but warm temperatures and heavy rains are on the way. The winter wonderland will slowly turn into a sloppy green swampland over the next few days. Sad to see it go...
All right... off to ignore the list!
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